5-year assessment of the UK economy after Brexit

5-year assessment of the UK economy after Brexit

The UK Economy After Brexit: A 5-Year Assessment of Change, Opportunity, and Resilience

As the United Kingdom navigates its post-Brexit landscape, it is essential to examine the profound impact this decision has had on the country’s economy. Since Britain’s departure from the European Union (EU) in January 2019, the UK economy has undergone significant transformations, with both positive and negative outcomes. In this article, we will conduct a comprehensive review of the past five years, analyzing various economic indicators, sectoral trends, and expert insights to provide a nuanced understanding of the current state of the UK economy.

Understanding the Current State of the UK Economy

One of the most significant challenges facing the UK economy is its reduced access to the EU market. Prior to Brexit, the UK was part of the single market, allowing for frictionless trade with EU countries. This membership enabled the UK to maintain a competitive edge in global trade, with 53% of its exports being destined for the EU (OECD, 2022). However, following Brexit, the UK’s trade agreements with the EU have become more complex and costly.

The UK’s GDP growth rate has been impacted by these changes, as the country’s economy has experienced slower growth since leaving the EU. According to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the UK’s GDP growth rate averaged 1.4% per annum between 2019 and 2022, compared to an average of 2.2% between 2015 and 2018 (ONS, 2022). This decline in economic growth is largely attributed to reduced consumer spending, caused by uncertainty surrounding Brexit.

Another area of concern for the UK economy is its inflation rate. The Bank of England’s target inflation rate is 2%, but since Brexit, the UK has experienced periods of high inflation, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reaching a peak of 3.1% in August 2020 (ONS, 2022). This surge in inflation was largely driven by supply chain disruptions and increased costs associated with Brexit.

The unemployment rate has also been affected by Brexit, as businesses have scaled back operations or relocated to the EU due to uncertainty surrounding trade agreements. According to data from the ONS, the UK’s unemployment rate rose from 4.2% in January 2019 to a peak of 5.1% in March 2020 (ONS, 2022).

Identifying Key Challenges and Opportunities

One of the most significant challenges facing businesses in the UK is the impact of Brexit on trade agreements with EU countries. Prior to Brexit, the UK was part of the EU’s customs union, allowing for duty-free trade between member states. However, following Brexit, the UK has had to negotiate its own trade agreements with the EU.

The impact of these changes on businesses has been significant, as increased costs and bureaucratic hurdles have made it more challenging for companies to export goods to the EU. According to a survey conducted by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), 62% of businesses reported that Brexit had negatively impacted their exports to the EU (CBI, 2022).

However, despite these challenges, there are opportunities for growth in emerging industries, such as technology and renewable energy. The UK has long been a hub for tech innovation, with companies like ARM Holdings and Imagination Technologies driving advancements in fields like artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

In recent years, the UK government has invested heavily in initiatives aimed at promoting the growth of these industries. For example, the government’s Industrial Strategy sets out plans to invest £1.4 billion in AI research and development (UK Government, 2017). Similarly, the Clean Growth Plan aims to increase investment in renewable energy by £12.6 billion between 2019 and 2032 (UK Government, 2018).

Anticipating Future Trends and Developments

As we look ahead to the next five years, it is essential to consider how the UK economy might evolve. One key area of focus will be trade agreements with the EU. The UK’s decision to leave the EU’s customs union has created uncertainty surrounding trade agreements with EU countries.

However, in recent months, there have been signs of progress. In December 2020, the UK and the EU agreed on a new trade deal, which came into effect on January 1, 2021 (UK Government, 2021). This agreement has helped to reduce uncertainty surrounding trade agreements with the EU.

Another area of focus will be the impact of Brexit on consumer spending habits. As mentioned earlier, reduced consumer spending caused by uncertainty surrounding Brexit has had a significant impact on the UK economy. However, in recent months, there have been signs of improvement.

According to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), retail sales volumes rose by 4.1% between January and March 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 (ONS, 2022). This increase in consumer spending is largely driven by a decline in inflation rates, which have fallen from 3.1% in August 2020 to 6.7% in February 2022 (ONS, 2022).


In conclusion, the UK economy has undergone significant changes since Brexit. While there are challenges facing businesses and consumers, there are also opportunities for growth in emerging industries like technology and renewable energy.

As we look ahead to the next five years, it is essential to consider how the UK economy might evolve. The key areas of focus will be trade agreements with the EU and consumer spending habits. By understanding these trends and developments, businesses and investors can make informed decisions about their finances and investments.


Based on our analysis, we recommend that:

  • Businesses should prioritize investing in emerging industries like technology and renewable energy.
  • Consumers should continue to support British businesses by choosing products made in the UK whenever possible.
  • The government should prioritize negotiating better trade agreements with EU countries to reduce uncertainty surrounding trade.

By following these recommendations, the UK economy can build on its strengths while navigating the challenges of Brexit. As we look ahead to the next five years, it is essential to remain resilient and adaptable in the face of change.

2 thoughts on “5-year assessment of the UK economy after Brexit

  1. slower GDP growth, reduced consumer spending, and higher inflation rates. But it’s not just numbers – it’s the human cost of uncertainty, of disruption to industries that have long been pillars of British society.

    As I sit here, sipping my tea and pondering the state of affairs, I am reminded of a question that has haunted me since day one: what if? What if the UK had chosen to remain in the EU, to continue being part of a larger economic union that allowed for frictionless trade and cooperation? Would we be thriving today, or would we have simply delayed the inevitable?

    I don’t pretend to have the answers. But I do know this: the Brexit decision has been a double-edged sword, cutting both ways in its impact on the economy. For some, it has brought new opportunities for growth and innovation; for others, it has meant stagnation and decline.

    As we move forward into the next five years, I fear that we will continue to grapple with the consequences of our decision. But perhaps, just perhaps, we can learn from our mistakes and find a way back to prosperity.

  2. I completely agree with the author’s assessment of the UK economy after Brexit. It’s clear that the country has faced significant challenges since leaving the EU, including reduced access to the single market and increased costs associated with trade agreements.

    One area where I think the author hits the nail on the head is in highlighting the impact of Brexit on consumer spending habits. The uncertainty surrounding trade agreements has undoubtedly had a chilling effect on consumer confidence, leading to reduced spending and slower economic growth.

    However, I do think that the author underestimates the potential benefits of emerging industries like technology and renewable energy. As we move forward into the next five years, it’s essential that we prioritize investing in these areas to drive innovation and growth.

    A question for the author: How do you see the UK government’s plans to invest £1.4 billion in AI research and development playing out in terms of job creation and economic growth? Will this investment be enough to offset the negative impacts of Brexit on the economy?

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